Both the CD and the download version include exactly the same software, including the manual in PDF format. Upon completion, you should expect to receive CDs in 2-4 weeks (allow longer for international shipments) and downloads immediately. The upgrade is $99.99 (+ $10 shipping & handling ($30 outside US) if you would like a CD copy rather than the downloadable version). If you would like to purchase that upgrade, please visit our website () and go to the Buy Now page where you'll find all you need to point and click your way through an order.

You do not need the old version of Encore on the computer on which you install the upgrade. The new version is fully compatible with WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win8, and Mac OSX 10.6.3 and higher. You will be able to open your old Encore & Music Time files in the new version of Encore. If you own a previous version of Encore, you qualify to purchase the new Encore at the upgrade price ($99.99).