
Microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver
Microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver

The only difference is that I did get my MS BT 5000 connected and working and then when I installed Tiger Woods golf game it stopped working. Todd, I have basically the same issues with a HP Pavilion g6. However, if you don't have any problems with missing functionality on your Blackberry (likely where the missing drivers come from) then you can go to devices and printers, right click your Blackberry, properties, services and expirement with unchecking services while watching device manager to see which ones aren't supported. Much of the software from Broadcom that was designed for Windows Vista or later is an enhancement to the Microsoft core Bluetooth solution. On the second question, you may be able to solve the Bluetooth Peripheral device drivers issue by using the Bluetooth software update from your OEM. In order to fix this, press and hold the connect button on the bottom of the mouse, and search for devices again. Since they were paired, this produces a challenge which prompts the pairing dialog.

microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver

Basically, the mouse works in the previous release, so it thinks it's "virtually cabled" still after the clean install is complete and tries to connect. This is a known problem when someone clean installs the operating system after having paired with a mouse.

Microsoft mouse 5000 bluetooth driver